Wednesday, March 5, 2008

So Stupid

My daughter came home the other day with a note in her backpack that said "You're stupid" and it was signed "from Tom" (name changed to protect the youngun who may or may not have perpetrated this dirty trick.) Three problems are immediately evident:

1. Some kid is picking on my daughter, and she feels bad about it. She has had trouble adjusting to her new school, especially in math, and maybe she feels stupid. My wife and her brother helped her disperse those negative thoughts, and I'm going to be helping her out more actively with the math.

2. The note was in a second-grader's large scrawl, and the signature was in a 3rd-through-5th-grader's smaller, neater printing, indicating that possibly two people wrote the note.

3. The signature was misspelled! This is a huge clue!

Here's my theory: it was the son of the lady at Bingo Night, and they were talking about my daughter the next day at the dinner table. The son is in my daughter's class, and has an older brother at the school. So I think the boys conspired to write the note, and tried to pin it on a classmate. All the more reason to bench them if they are ever on a team that I coach.

Alternate theory: "Tom" wrote the note, and intentionally wrote the "You're stupid" in poor writing, and intentionally misspelled his own name. Probably not. You can reasonably assume that an older brother would say to a younger brother, "Hey! Sign it with Tom's name, and you won't get caught!" But it would take a true future deviant to come up with the double-reverse trick of misspelling his own name in a different hand.

Mrs. Dino's theory: Whoever wrote the note thinks my daughter is So Saga, and this is his way of expressing his love. I suggested that we go to the valentines, and compare the handwriting, but she thinks we should just talk to the teacher about it. Too sensible.

I've played 4 events so far in the BBT3, and cashed in last night's Stud Hi version of the Skills Series. I was very lucky to make the BBT points (top 25%) and the money (top 15% or so). I was squeaking by with a very short stack, and at one point got the rest of money in behind early in the hand, and hit trip 3's to take the hand and cripple my opponent. He said "So stupid". I assume he was talking about my play, and not me, and I later apologized for my stupid play on his blog. He replied and it's all good. Too sensible.

Tonight, in the Mookie, the same player sits down directly to my left! That's not good, because it means he will have the preferred position in most hands when playing me. I would rather it be the other way around, to give me a fighting chance. Anyway, I was out early tonight after getting good cards, but losing on consecutive hands to a crippling suckout (80/20, so not that unusual) and a coinflip for my greatly diminished stack.

I'll have an update on the stupidity in a few days.


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