Wednesday, February 20, 2008


The lunar eclipse is in totality, looking like a ball of molten glass heated in the flames (according to one sleepy child). A while ago, it looked like an ember with a steady stream of oxygen blowing from one side, blinding white, while cooler orange on the back side (according to the other sleepy child). We just got back from the harmonic convergence at Magdalen's house, and we couldn't find the homework binder with a month's worth of moon observations in it. Arrrrrgh! After we turned the car and house upside down, we decided to table the search until tomorrow, and take observations during the eclipse. That was very exciting, and reminded me of the last lunar eclipse I saw, during the final game of the 2004 World Series, when the moon turned red in honor of the Red Sox. The kids were enthusiastic, and thought it was really cool. Plus they got to stay up late.

The harmonic convergence was nice -- lots of R&R, good food, and fun times. Unsurprisingly, there was no poker, but shockingly, there was no bridge! We had a foursome, but we just never got around to it. OK, maybe next time.

The kids are on vacation this week, and so am I. I'll be checking out several blogger tournaments over the next few days, and lots of cash game action, but tonight poker was eclipsed by a shady character.

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